Hi, I'm D.E. Kendall

Also known as Dannika 🙂

I’m passionate about writing – particularly if it involves making a difference for the better.

I also love to entertain my readers. If you’ve ever read one of my books, short stories, or film scripts, I’d love to know what you think; honest opinions welcome!


Countless Hours of Research


Endless Hours of Writing in Every Spare Moment


Celebrating Word Count Milestones


Books Published So Far

My Story

So, I’ve been writing stories since I could hold a pen (which, dare I say, is around thirty-something years now!).

I live with my (extremely patient) husband and our gorgeous collie, Cai; I’m also the billpayer and maid for a beautiful pony I named Eira (though she doesn’t live at home with us, much to my husband’s delight), whom I rescued over a decade ago.

However, owing to the hectic life I lead, getting books written and published quite literally takes me years at a time! (For instance, I’m currently working on a series of YA novels [with dyslexia-friendly versions] that are nowhere near being published after nine years of writing, editing, and rewriting…)

Luckily, since I’m a full-time content writer for a wonderful pet insurance company, my career combines two subjects close to my heart – animals and writing; so, even though it takes years to get my books written, I earn my living through writing creatively, how awesome is that? The road to get here has been winding, with plenty of ups and downs – which is why I’m extra thankful every day for all the wonderfulness in my life! 🙂

In case you’re interested in my academic skillset, I hold a BA(Hons) in English Literature & Creative Writing from the Open University (and wish I had the time to pursue an MA and PhD in Creative Writing – I love to learn).

Anyways, I’ll stop going on about myself now! I’ve self-published a number of books (available here), and previously worked as a ghostwriter, as well as a publishing assistant – so, if you have a question about the writing process, please feel free to contact me 🙂

My Writing Process

Step 1 - I handwrite the first draft of my manuscript.

It may sound old-fashioned or like it makes the process far slower, though I find my creativity flows more freely when I put pen to paper.

Step 2 - I type the second draft of my manuscript.

I use the typing up of my manuscript as an opportunity to edit it for the first time. However, it can become too easy to focus on errors, which means it takes longer to complete the second draft!

Step 3 - I edit, edit, and edit my manuscript.

Then, after editing my manuscript a further thousand times, I send it off to be assessed by publishing experts and hope for the best.

In case you’d like to discover the books, short stories, and film scripts I’ve written, take a look at my portfolio…

Are you a fellow writer?

Writing can be a lonely venture at times.

If you’re a writer, like me, please feel free to reach out – I’m always happy to chat about the highs and lows of the wild world of words 🙂 

Also, let me know about your own published books; any excuse to add to my epic TBR pile!

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